There are so many life lessons that our pets can teach us. These are my favorites that I’ve learned from my dog Cosmo.
- Live in the Moment
Dogs have a great ability to just “live in the moment”. They don’t worry about the past or future they just exist in the present.
2. When Loved Ones Come Home Greet them with Love
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we greeted our partners and family members at the door like our dog greets us? Try it next time your family comes home!
3. Stretch
When they get up from lying down dogs instinctively stretch their bodies. Give it a go next time you get up off the couch or before you get out of bed in the morning!
4. Don’t hold Grudges
If you yelled at your dog for misbehaving they forget about it soon after and come after you with licks and cuddles.
5. Time over Material Things is what counts
Dogs are happy playing with a ripped up worn out toy. The joy is in the time you spend with them not the price you paid for the bigger better toy. It’s the same with humans, the joy is in the experiences you share together.
6. Self care
Take time to groom and slow down and rest when your body tells you to. If a dog is tired, he will rest, period.
7. Trust your Instincts
Dogs can sense if a situation or another animal is not trustworthy. Listen to that little voice within…it’s always got the right answer for you.