Do you ever feel like you’re running around in circles with no end in sight?
That’s truly how I feel right now. I’m building a business, working a day job, raising 5 kids, maintaining a home all the while trying to maintain my sanity.
I have a million things going through my head and I am starting to feel exhausted.
It’s during times like these that it is so important to step back, breathe, and prioritize.
This is what has worked for me in the past:
Get real with what matters NOW and is going to move you forward. If you are looking to lose weight then prioritizing time for exercise is what you need to do. For me, I am working on a lot of great content and programs to deliver in the upcoming months so this needs to be my focus. The best advice here is to make a list in order of priorities and schedule your day around it with pockets of time allocated to what you deem as most important right NOW.
DON’T fall into the trap of checking your email or social media 10 times a day…been there done that. Shiny object syndrome I call it where the clock ticks by and you realize you’ve spent 2 hours on Facebook getting nothing concrete done. It’s important to catch yourself, re focus and plan to check email and social media during one specific window of time where you will give an hour of devoted attention to posting, responding and sending any important correspondence out.
Stopping to breathe deeply helps to slow your mind down. It instantly relaxes you and slows your heart rate while delivering more oxygen to your brain. Feeling calm and relaxed will help you to make clearer more effective decisions.
Take action that is going to move you forward in your life.
If you are looking to increase your fitness level then during the 30 minutes you’ve allocated to exercise perhaps a walk isn’t enough to make a real difference in your current fitness level. It might be more impactful to do a walk/jog interval outdoors or do an incline walk on the treadmill to get you better results in less time.
If your goal is to work smarter on outstanding projects, again prioritize what you want to accomplish and be sure to spend a specified amount of focused time on producing quality work.
Bottom line, whatever your goal/s, when you’re busy you want to spend the time you have allocated to reach it/them as effectively as possible.
So there you have it.
Tips that work for me most of the time.
Sometimes it takes me a lot longer to get into the proper flow but that’s okay. These gentle reminders above serve to give me the kick in the butt I need to get off the hamster wheel and back down to earth where I’m not feeling so overwhelmed.
In Health & Happiness,
P.S. If you are looking to get moving faster towards your health goals, I have a great 30 day Jump Start program you can check out here