When you look in the mirror what do you see? Are you uber critical of the woman looking back at you?
The reality is we can’t stop Father time. As much as we may long for our youthful appearance of decades past, time marches on and our faces begin to show the effects of how we’ve lived our lives and taken care of ourselves.
If you’re like me and grew up in the ’70’s you likely didn’t wear sunscreen so may now be seeing sunspots appear. If you’ve had a major life trauma such as a family member pass away, been downsized at work, or gone through a divorce I’m sure you are all to familiar with stress and lack of sleep.
So what can we as women do to embrace the aging process?
We can choose to not define ourselves by our looks. You are a woman that has experienced many events over the years that have shaped you to be the person you are today. Feel great about the woman you have become and be grateful of what you’ve accomplished over the past few decades whether it’s an amazing career you’re passionate about or having raised little human beings and nurtured them into healthy caring teenagers or adults. Love yourself for this.
Of course though, we all want to look as good as possible despite our age.
So why not do everything in your power to help our skin glow and be a reflection of how you are taking care of our body?!
Drink a ton of water, feed your body nourishing foods, choose not to smoke, limit your alcohol intake, and exercise! These are the things we have control over. What we don’t have control over is time and the fact we are getting older and our bodies are changing. Do what is in your control and surround yourself with a positive uplifting tribe of women to keep you sane, smiling and stress free!
For the perfect guide to get you there click here!