Here are 6 Ways to Inject Energy Into your Life!
1. Take a Power Nap
Studies have shown that a 20 minute quickie (nap of course) will help to reverse the effects of information overload that many of us suffer from in today’s technology craze society. An quick energy booster!
2. Eat Breakfast!
Ensuring that you eat within a short time of rising will help give your body the fuel it needs to jump start you into your day. Skipping breakfast can cause you to feel sluggish and often overeat throughout the day causing your blood sugar levels to become imbalanced causing fatigue mid-day.
3. Drink More Water
The effects of dehydration can cause us to feel fatigued. Try and limit your alcohol and caffeine content while increasing your water intake.
4. Up Your Magnesium Intake
When levels are even a little low energy can drop. Ensure that you are getting around 300 milligrams. Here are some foods that you can focus on to help you increase your levels: halibut fish, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, bran cereal, whole grains.
5. Take a Walk
If your energy is low get up and get outside if you can and take a quick stroll around the block. You will increase you energy levels and your mood in 10 minutes or less!
6. Get Your Thyroid Checked!
If you’ve addressed everything else and still feel lethargic, get to your Doctor and have them do a blood test to see if your thyroid gland is under performing. This can happen in peri menopause or after childbirth or can even have a genetic component. You’ll also want to have your iron levels checked to see if your body is getting enough oxygen from your red blood cells.
To help you get your mojo back join my FREE 7 Day HEALTHY HABITS CHALLENGE which begins September 12th!