Often Mondays are dreaded. Sunday comes and for some it can feel like a downer knowing that the next day is the start of another week… as we look desperately towards the next weekend for a two day reprieve from the 5 day life that many are spending working in jobs they dislike. I’m sure you’ve heard co-workers constantly complain and wish away the next couple years of their work life pining after their retirement date. What a way to live. No thanks.
Perhaps we can shift our focus.
Why not look at Monday and the start of a new week as a new opportunity? An opportunity to change your attitude, to take a new course that can get you out of the job you despise, a day to decide to focus more on your health and well being for the upcoming week, a prompt to push you into a positive mindset where the thoughts you think will help you create the life you could only have dreamed of.
Think about it, week after week you’ve had the same mindset about Mondays and has it helped you?
At whatever stage of life you are in, I challenge you to rethink Mondays. Raise your vibration Monday morning by listening to uplifting music, get excited about what the week holds in store for you, set a goal and surpass it, make Monday your Friday!
If you want a sample of music to raise your vibrations click here!
Have a fantastic Monday!