You know all the benefits of exercise and why you should be making time for it in your day, but somehow it’s always the first thing to go. Everything and everyone get put before your workout until the day runs out of time and your head hits the pillow where you experience restless slumber until you get up and grab for your morning java. Sound like you? Take solace…you’re not alone.
So we know how much our bodies need movement, how much better we feel with exercise, how our skin looks better, our jeans fit looser, our sleep improves and on and on. But how do we ensure we get that valuable workout in?
Here are 3 great strategies to help you do just that!
1. Join a fitness class. Schedule it into your daytime or calendar and forget about everything else. Treat it as an appointment where all you need to do is show up and get taken through an entire workout where you don’t even need to think or plan a thing!
2. Give yourself an end of week reward. If your goal was to get a workout in 3 times this week and you reach it, how about treating yourself to a new pair of workout shorts or tights! Extrinsic motivation through rewards works great while you are trying to establish better habits in your life.
3. Get up early! Set your alarm one entire hour ahead of when you normally wake up and spend 30-45 minutes moving your body. Simply get outside for a walk/jog, do a workout program in your basement or head to the gym for an early morning workout class!
If you need some help I’ve got your back. Download my 5 week Sexy Slimdown Fitness program and go gangbusters from home working out or take advantage of a free week of our unlimited classes at Blue Sky Fitness Studio.