A client of mine was wearing a necklace recently and I asked her what it meant.
“It reminds me to believe in myself” she said, also noting she received it from a friend. So why is it that we have a hard time believing in ourselves sometimes?
As humans, we all experience self-doubt. To believe in yourself is no easy feat, but there are some great pointers you can start to implement into your life today!
- Use Affirmations
When you talk negatively about yourself your body is listening to you. Make sure your talk is positive and you speak as though you are already there. For example, “I am fit and healthy”, “I am confident, powerful and strong”, “I am positive and surround myself with only positive people.”
2. Who’s Standing Next to You?
Who you spend your time with affects the person you become. If you’re friends or your spouse are always talking negatively this is going to wear you down. Be sure to choose your friends carefully and spend time with those that lift you up!
3. Fake it until you Make it!
Sometimes when life gives you lemons and you feel doomed, you need to stand up, give yourself a shake and speak as though you are in a place of power. Speak in a strong manner, confidently and assertively and watch yourself slowly get back to where you need to be!
4. Remove the Garbage from your Mind
Choose to really take a hard look at what you are feeding your mind with. Are you watching the news or reading the newspaper where it is talking about everything and anything negative going on in the world? Sadly this fuels the media and is what sells. Decide to turn off the t.v., listen to uplifting music and spend time with family and loved ones.
5. Know what you Live For
What is your purpose? Do you know what your values are? Do you know the difference between your wants and your needs? For instance, you may want a fancy sports car…but do you need that? Will it make you happier? Maybe it will if you value more material possessions over people. For most of us, valuing those whom we love first, brings true happiness.
6. Exercise and Eat Right!
Exercising brings confidence to how you hold your body throughout the day! Ensuring you are fueling your body with nourishing healthy choices will also give you a noticeable glow that will exude your belief that you can do anything! If you need a Jump Start in this area of your life I’d love for you to join my 30 Day Fit & Lean Jump Start program here!
Now head on out there and Believe in Yourself! You Got This!!