“You wait a lifetime to find someone who understands you and accept you as you are. In the end – you find – that someone all along — has been you!”
Hi, I’m Wonnita MacDonald and I am the Mindfulness Meditation Coach here at Blue Sky Fitness Studio.
Have you ever felt that life is just not working for you? That something is missing?
I often browse through social media to see what the people on my new feed are posting. All the “oh nooooo it’s monday jokes” or postings like, I can sum up my life in one sentence; “that didn’t go as planned!” We laugh, but seriously, there really are people out there who dread Monday’s !!
So I ask you? Is life working for you? Are you happy? Satisfied? Do you jump out of bed in the morning thinking wow, I am so thankful and grateful for this day?!
Today I can tell you that I do wake up most mornings full of love and wonder and gratitude to be alive. It isn’t that my life is perfect or without stress. Not at all! But I can honestly say I am thankful and grateful for every day that I am alive here on earth!
It wasn’t always like that for me. There was a time when I could not sleep Sunday night. It felt like the weekend was over in a blink of an eye!
What changed for me was this realization: “That I AM “the being” that is creating my life experiences –both consciously and unconsciously; and mostly unconsciously! I began to understand that I needed to become more conscious and present so that I was more aware of what I was creating.
The method I used to train myself to live life more consciously was MEDITATION. Meditation is certainly popular right now. From scientific research touting it’s health benefits, to “mindfulness” practices being set up for people dealing with chronic pain and cancer, to celebrities proclaiming their love for it — meditation is here to stay! My first several attempts to meditate were not very successful. It was hard to quiet my mind or settle myself down. I felt agitated! My mind would tell me things like, I can’t do this, or I just don’t have time, or I guess this isn’t for me. My intuition, however, kept telling me I needed to do this if I really wanted to get to know myself deeply and find the peace, love and harmony I was seeking.
Being a very determined person, I did stick it out and cannot express enough how thankful and grateful I am for that! I once saw this quote on the internet and loved it, “when asked, what did you learn from meditating, he replied nothing; however, let me tell you what I have lost: anger, fear, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death.”
My top five reasons to recommend you start a meditation practice:
- to find answers to the deeper questions like who am I; why am I here!
- to fall in love with yourself and life!
- to start creating the life you have always said you wanted!
- to help you develop your unique gifts and serve the world in your own way!
- to develop the steadiness to hold your centre and be okay no matter what is happening in your life or the world!
I invite you to join us at our weekly meditation class on Tuesday evenings and enrol in one of our 3 amazing and life changing 7 week courses. CLICK HERE for more details and to register.